Original Story
at first he distanced me from my friends, who for him were not people who really cared about me. then he started to be jealous of my past and of all the people with whom I could have interpersonal relationships: at work, acquaintances.. hen each argument started to become more and more aggressive. he went from throwing things that belonged to me on the floor to turning his anger on me. hair pulling, pushing, head against the window of the car.. when I threatened him to leave the house he stopped hitting me for a while. but he started insulting and denigrating me and insulting my family. all these scenes happened in front of his mother who never did anything to protect me. only after two years and a half I had the courage to leave even though I knew I wouldn't find any support. My family doesn't understand how difficult it can be to get out of these situations. they simply consider who stay "a stupid person” I started a psychological interviews in order to get through this experience. Sometimes it seems to be better, but some days are difficult. Because I think about all what happened.. and I’m angry with me because I allow him to do this to me.